Archiv der Kategorie: Afghanistan

Happy Birthday, Marines! And here’s an appropriate birthday present for all Marines– „Court Overturns Marine Sniper’s Conviction for Urinating on Dead Taliban Fighters“

Veröffentlicht unter Afghanistan, Marine Corps | Kommentar hinterlassen

Former 1ID CG, Wayne Grigsby demoted but one rank

Usually Col Hank will come in here and give this guy a reaming. The now BG Grigsby was just demoted for an inappropriate relationship with a female captain. As per the report on MSN he exchanged over 850 text messages with her … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Afghanistan, Army, Efficiency Reports, Uncategorized | 2 Kommentare

The Air Force…the softest bunch I ever saw

The Air Force hasn’t been a true uniformed service since the Key West agreement, they only love playing fighter pilot and having the worst command climate of all seven uniformed services. But this story published by Vice tells you why … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Afghanistan, Air Force, Idiocy, Uncategorized, Why I Hate the Air Force | 1 Kommentar

Afghanistan, Ammo, and an Arms Race

LtCol P is taking a well-deserved break. Enjoy your break sir!  Now for some light reading: Over at the Cipher Brief, Bennett Seftel asks the eternal question ‚Should I stay or should I go now?‘ Rampant corruption in Afghanistan and … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Afghanistan, Marine Corps, Navy, Russia | Kommentar hinterlassen

War Sycophants and ROTC Kids

Last night I had the pleasure of attending the Tom Ricks lecture at Arizona State University.  In his retirement as a defense reporter he is a Fellow at Center on the Future of War.  He currently writes the Foreign Policy Blog: … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Afghanistan, Air Force, Army, Army National Guard, Army Reserve, China, Diplomacy, Friends & Allies, Marine Corps, Mattis, NATO, Uncategorized | 2 Kommentare

When you get overpaid, you pay it back

When 10,000 Soldiers get overpaid while in the National Guard because the Pentagon and the NGB made a mistake.  Why should they have to pay it back.  We all remember during the height of the war how the bonuses were … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Afghanistan, Army, Army National Guard, Army Reserve, Iraq, Leadership, Readiness, The Long War, Uncategorized, Veterans' Issues | 7 Kommentare

Damning Critique of the U S Military

A particularly insightful article over at Tom Rick’s blog site on the the failure of American leadership in both Iraq and Afghanistan.  It damns the idea we have the war one year at a time and takes to tasks the … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Afghanistan, Iran, The King of Battle | 1 Kommentar

Three Airmen to be Decorated for Valor

GREAT. STORY. On Wednesday, the Air Force will award three prestigious valor combat decorations to its three combat controllers in the battle, service officials said. Senior Airman Dustin H. Temple will receive the rare and prestigious Air Force Cross, which … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Afghanistan, Air Force, The Long War | Kommentar hinterlassen

It’s Harry Flashman’s Birthday, Damn Your Eyes!

Happy birthday to Sir Harry Flashman, the greatest soldier that never lived! A man unparalleled in history for amorality, debauchery and gross cowardice– and we love him for it. (If you haven’t read the novels, put them on your list. … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Afghanistan, History, Humor, Recommended Reading | 2 Kommentare

Army (Wisely) Decides to Retain SF NCO Who Confronted Afghan Child Rapist

VERY wisely. In a stunning reversal, the U.S. Army decided late Thursday to retain a decorated Green Beret it had planned to kick out after he physically confronted a local Afghan commander accused of raping a boy over the course … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Afghanistan, Army | Kommentar hinterlassen