Archiv der Kategorie: Army National Guard

D-Day 2018

On the 74th anniversary of D-Day, one wonders why a sapper from the Stonewall Brigade took a different approach to commuting to work, and if the Institute was heard from today? Considering the insanity going on inside the Beltway – … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Army National Guard, Friends & Allies, Great Britain and the Empire, History, VMI | Kommentar hinterlassen

Standards Are Ancient History

Two stories on the destruction of our military that began under Obama and continues with his maggoty leavings. First off, our Navy. We’ve come a long way from the Great White Fleet (can a sailor say that anymore?) or even … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Army, Army National Guard, Army Reserve, History, Navy, Readiness | Kommentar hinterlassen

This Won’t End Well

The Army, having just court martialed Bergdahl, whose defense is mental illness, wants more Bergdahl by lifting the ban on recruiting people with diagnosed mental illnesses and behaviors. Just a thought, is this a screw to create a problem in … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Army, Army National Guard, Army Reserve, Friends & Allies | 2 Kommentare

Thunderbirds and Your Friday Tech Roundup

Oklahoma pride here! Willie and Joe do America proud in the Ukraine. Over at Strategy Page, two articles on mortars and artillery. We had nuclear merchant ships? And, as the weekend is upon us, some technical terms of tequila.

Veröffentlicht unter Army National Guard, Recommended Reading | 1 Kommentar

Weekend Reading: Services‘ Procurement Problems

The F-35 is Grounded again for the same Oxygen issues The Navy’s procurement problems. Army Aviation scrambling to find a Kiowa Replacement after it said UAS and the Apache could cover down.  

Veröffentlicht unter Air Force, Army, Army National Guard, Army Reserve, Aviation, Marine Corps, Navy, Uncategorized | Kommentar hinterlassen

„Soldiers in the hands of an angry government“

Rebekah Sanderlin offers her thoughts from 2013 on this next Memorial Day. While SMA Dailey is concerned about uniforms, the costs of which will be born by military dependents . Interesting how everything cycles, but the Army never gets beyond bitterly … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Army, Army National Guard, Army Reserve, Elements of National Power, Leadership, Veterans' Issues | Kommentar hinterlassen

As the drums were beaten to War

2016 marked the Centenary year of the Somme, a battle that took a million men off this place during a four month period.   Today marks our entry into World War I, on 2 April 1917, then President Woodrow Wilson … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Army, Army National Guard, Defending the Homeland, Great Britain and the Empire, History, Leadership, Strategy, Total Force, Uncategorized, Use of Military Force, World War I | Kommentar hinterlassen

War Sycophants and ROTC Kids

Last night I had the pleasure of attending the Tom Ricks lecture at Arizona State University.  In his retirement as a defense reporter he is a Fellow at Center on the Future of War.  He currently writes the Foreign Policy Blog: … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Afghanistan, Air Force, Army, Army National Guard, Army Reserve, China, Diplomacy, Friends & Allies, Marine Corps, Mattis, NATO, Uncategorized | 2 Kommentare

The Curious Case of Major General Schwartz, of the DC Guard

Here’s a further look, with some explanations, of the unfortunate recent episode in which the current commander of the DC National Guard, one Major General Errol R. Schwartz, appeared at first blush to have been fired (FIRED!) by incoming President … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Army National Guard | 6 Kommentare

When you get overpaid, you pay it back

When 10,000 Soldiers get overpaid while in the National Guard because the Pentagon and the NGB made a mistake.  Why should they have to pay it back.  We all remember during the height of the war how the bonuses were … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Afghanistan, Army, Army National Guard, Army Reserve, Iraq, Leadership, Readiness, The Long War, Uncategorized, Veterans' Issues | 7 Kommentare