Archiv der Kategorie: Stray Voltage

Friday Thoughts on “A World Apart”

Aleksander Solzhenitsyn was many things in his day: soldier, prisoner, writer, and activist, but his particular skill was his observation of people as they are, as opposed to how he and they wished people to be. As we are spectators … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Stray Voltage, VMI | 1 Kommentar

Asking Why

From each of us here at In The Old Corps to each of you, please have a joy-filled and safe celebration of the new year. Recapping 2017 proved easy. There were only 2 news stories this year: at any moment … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter History, Just for Fun, Stray Voltage, VMI | Kommentar hinterlassen

Living with Pigs

I had a good vacation, the first since 2002. Two weeks of no computer, news feeds, and work intruding. I liked it so much I’m doing it again next month around Thanksgiving. You’re welcome! The title doesn’t refer to riding … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Cyberwar, Idiocy, Readiness, Stray Voltage, Veterans' Issues, VMI | 5 Kommentare

Internet of Terror

If I were a terrorist, I would be singing praises to the blackest hearts in the Universe for the gift of the Internet of Things, initialismed as IoT. Arstechnica reports 465,000 people with IoT pacemakers need a security update to … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Chaos, Cyberwar, Stray Voltage | Kommentar hinterlassen

Stray Voltage: Urban Warfare and the VA

Austin Bay looks at urban warfare in his post on “Mosul and Urban Warfare.” Blogging lesson learned: if one wishes to blog about a tweetstorm, either post right away or use screen captures. Mr. X tweetstormed an interesting take on … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Chaos, Stray Voltage, Veterans' Issues | 3 Kommentare

A New Evolutionary Stage in Warfare?

Straight out the Science Fiction universe, this will evolutionize warfare communications, operations and potentially logistics. Quantum communication is a strange beast, but one of the weirdest proposed forms of it is called counterfactual communication – a type of quantum communication … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Recommended Reading, Stray Voltage | Kommentar hinterlassen

Space, the Next Frontier

Mr. Peabody’s Wayback Machine is something anyone can create. Wayback, in 2001 A.D., the Army in its infinite wisdom selected me twice for Operations, and then transferred me to Space Operations. Space Operations sounds sexy, cool, and fun! In my  … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Army, Chaos, Stray Voltage | Kommentar hinterlassen

Aircraft Carriers: A Brief Survey

Aircraft carriers are the monarchs of the sea, and arguably the third best strategic weapon  in the US arsenal, after nukes and little groups of paratroopers. Since the Russians, Chinese and Indians already have nukes and paratroops/Gurkhas, they have begun exploring the exciting world … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Navy, Stray Voltage | 5 Kommentare

What Is Worth Conserving?

This year’s election season has been a wild one, with rhetoric slung about like a mastiff’s saliva shaken from its head. One word you’ve undoubtedly read and heard is „conservative.“ Usually the word is given as a pejorative, which is … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter History, Stray Voltage | Kommentar hinterlassen

Divine Comedy: Savonarola Returns!

It sounds like a Hollywood comedy movie. Girolamo Savonarola and Saul Alinsky, meet in the present day and become joined at the mind, focused on the same target: a Roman Catholic Church that while weakened from scandal and corruption in … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter History, Insurgency & Counterinsurgency, Strategy, Stray Voltage, The Long War | Verschlagwortet mit , | Kommentar hinterlassen