Archiv der Kategorie: Cyberwar

Living with Pigs

I had a good vacation, the first since 2002. Two weeks of no computer, news feeds, and work intruding. I liked it so much I’m doing it again next month around Thanksgiving. You’re welcome! The title doesn’t refer to riding … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Cyberwar, Idiocy, Readiness, Stray Voltage, Veterans' Issues, VMI | 5 Kommentare

Friday Techday: a Game of Clouds

Most of you have heard about the latest outrageous computer hack – this time of Equifax. There is no database system that can’t be hacked, either from the inside or the outside. Information Security is a misnomer since no data … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Air Force, Aviation, Cyberwar, Marine Corps, Navy | 2 Kommentare

Internet of Terror

If I were a terrorist, I would be singing praises to the blackest hearts in the Universe for the gift of the Internet of Things, initialismed as IoT. Arstechnica reports 465,000 people with IoT pacemakers need a security update to … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Chaos, Cyberwar, Stray Voltage | Kommentar hinterlassen

The Demon With a Glass Cloud

The title comes from an article from Richard Fernandez, and from Harlan Ellison’s classic “Outer Limits” episode “Demon With a Glass Hand.” The premise of the story is the entire hope for resurrection for a long-dead human race resides within … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Cyberwar, Defending the Homeland, Idiocy | Kommentar hinterlassen

The Snail’s Progress: Cyberwar

Hope everyone is enjoying this weekend of the 241st anniversary of the First Brexit. An interesting note on that era of warfare was the absence of commercial sponsorship. Fortunately we’ve evolved so that some great ideas presented in this post … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Cyberwar, Defending the Homeland, Uncategorized | Kommentar hinterlassen

Military-corporate welfare: same ole, same ole

The American Way of War is to spend a lot of money on stuff, and then prolong wars until the Defense Contractors (usually a closed circle of former flag officers, politicos, and entrepreneurs) find a new gadget and war to … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Air Force, Cyberwar, Elements of National Power, Navy, Readiness | Verschlagwortet mit | 2 Kommentare

Socially acceptable treason

The NYT-bestselling post mortem “Shattered” details where the narrative of Russia hacking the election came from. Spoiler alert: it was developed November 9, 2016, by Hillary and her campaign staff; and sold by an uncritical news media who’ve sold it … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Chaos, Cyberwar, Defending the Homeland, History, Insurgency & Counterinsurgency, Uncategorized, VMI | 1 Kommentar

Pentagon hackery made easy

Compare this article to this article. What could possibly go wrong? Put another way, how can you know for sure where that bomb-laden drone really is, and who’s in command of it?

Veröffentlicht unter Cyberwar, Elements of National Power | Kommentar hinterlassen


A short read, and interesting. What say you?

Veröffentlicht unter Cyberwar, NATO, Russia | 4 Kommentare

Evidence of Russian Hacking

In the electoral electrical system. That’s big time. Good thing it was discovered. I wonder what’s floating around the utilities‘ cyberstructure that hasn’t been discovered. Resilience, folks. Are you prepared to go without power for a few days, at least? … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Cyberwar, Readiness, Russia | 3 Kommentare