Archiv der Kategorie: CSM Going Bat Shit Crazy

SMA Has a New Uniform

Well well doesn’t the SMA of the Army look resplendent in his „pinks and greens“.  Trouble is the originial „pinks and greens“ were an officer uniform; soldiers and NCOs wore a green wool blouse about the color of World War … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Army, CSM Going Bat Shit Crazy, History, Idiocy, Sergeant Majors being stupid, World War I, World War II | 2 Kommentare

This Will Drive the Sergeants Major Bat Shit Crazy

Over at Army Times. „The new rules provide several options for local commanders. Here’s what’s now allowed: In garrison Sleeves down. Sleeves rolled with the camo facing out. Sleeves rolled with the camo facing in. In the field or deployed … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Army, CSM Going Bat Shit Crazy, Uncategorized | 3 Kommentare