VMI One-Stars at Capstone

By way of my BR, Brigadier General Paul Pardew ’89 (who’s on the right), we have VMI’s contingent at CAPSTONE:

L –> R, it’s BG Tom Pugh ’90, BGen Steve Neary ’88, George Foresman ’84, and Brother Rat BG Pardew ’89.

Well done, gents!

Über vmijpp

VMIJPP hails from the star city of the south, Roanoke, Virginia. A 1989 graduate of the Virginia Military Institute, he is a retired artillery officer in the United States Marine Corps, with time in both the active and reserve sides. He served in Iraq in 2004, and in Afghanistan in 2009-2010. He joined the magnificent OPFOR.com as a guest blogger from the now defunct but never uninteresting Rule 308, where he denounced gun control and other aspects of tyranny, and proclaimed the greatness of the United States. When the sun set on OPFOR.com, he migrated here with Keydet1976 and the others.
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