Asking the right questions

In respect to the Hatch Act, I won’t link to the many articles covering emails with classified information. There is clearly two Americas, one that follows the law and the other that preys upon law-abiding folks.

Something I’ve been waiting to see in ink/electrons has finally surfaced like a turd in the Artillery Punch. It is a ‚right question.‘ Right questions are not politically biased, but simply the asking of one such question raises awareness exponentially. That the movie „Snowden,“ a pseudo-hagiography of Edwin Snowden is being released next week, is maybe synchronicity.

How did Sidney Blumenthal, who is neither a government employee nor holder of a security clearance, get his hands on very-highly classified information? 

There are some other ‚right questions,‘ but those can wait until November.


Über DaveO

Retired soldier, micro-farmer, raconteur and pet owner from the great state of Oklahoma. Wandered in as a frequent commenter and have been enjoying blogging ever since.
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