That’s good to know


Über DaveO

Retired soldier, micro-farmer, raconteur and pet owner from the great state of Oklahoma. Wandered in as a frequent commenter and have been enjoying blogging ever since.
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3 Antworten zu That’s good to know

  1. Tom Wilson '79 schreibt:

    Or three years in a 1200 pound engineering plant did not cause any hearing loss.


  2. burkemblog schreibt:

    The 1975 Elliott Gould/Eddie Albert comedy Whiffs is about a chemical warfare test subject who’s screwed on his disability rating and decides to use his extensive knowledge of chemical warfare to rob a bank and get even.

    Here are the only YouTube clips I could find for the film–which i saw right after completing NBC school:


  3. vmijpp schreibt:

    HA! That’s good.


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